Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Louis V E.S.P. is moving

Faithful readers: We've found a permanent home among the flotsam and jetsam of the internet. This blog will no longer be updated. Please direct your attention to for the future goings on of Louis V E.S.P. See you in twenty ten!

Again, that's

Peace in the middle east.

Saturday, January 30, 2010



Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MIRROR/WINDOW: January 28, 7:30-10

Curated by Preeti Sodhi and James Woodward

at LOUIS V. E.S.P.
January 28, 2010

Please join us at this one-night only inaugaral exhibition before we begin our full 2010 schedule!

Mirror/Window is the inaugural installment of a nomadic, integrative video art salon. The salon takes form at Louis V. E.S.P., a new exhibition space located in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, and scheduled to begin full programming this year.

Mirror/Window focuses on works that meditate on themes of space and architecture by investigating the relationship between public and private spheres, the body within space, and social codes embedded in architecture. The videos are trans-generational and transnational; spanning from a hotel room in Berlin to popular 80’s sitcoms, simulations of a model home to the iris of a human eye.

Presented in a two-channel facing format and running on a continuous loop, the videos are forced to both confront and familiarize themselves with one another, sparking new and unexpected dialogues framed by notions of place and indulged in by the spontaneity of moving image.

Mirror/Window is comprised of the following artists:
Karen Y Chan (New York)
Heidi Neubauer-Winterburn (Paris/Brest, France)
Michael Haight (Riverside, California)
Anne Herzog (Paris)
JJ Higgins (Prairie Village, Kansas)
Mayumi Komuro (New York)
Yaron Lapid (London)
Derek Larson (DeLand, Florida)
David J. Merritt (New York)
Nicholas O’Brien (Chicago)
Amelia Saul (New York/Berlin)
David Trullo (Madrid)
Blair Zaye (London)

Programmed by Preeti Sodhi and James Woodward.
Image courtesy Derek Larson.

About the curators Preeti Sodhi and James Woodward:
We are interested in works that relate to the city, environment, space and the body. This salon was created using both word of mouth and an open call in order to be as inclusive as possible. The selected theme was intended to inspire artists and lay a foundation for dialogue in what we intend to be a communal environment and experience.


Louis V ESP is located at:
140 Jackson St, 4D
in sunny Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Graham L or Metropolitan G stops nearby.